The queer Scooby-Doo spin-off series Velma, created by Charlie Grandy and starring Mindy Kaling, has reportedly been cancelled after two seasons. The adult cartoon follows Velma‘s (Kaling) origin story as a 15-year-old high-schooler who overcomes odds with Daphne (Constance Wu), Fred (Glenn Howerton) and Shaggy (Sam Richardson) to help solve a murder. The show depicted […]
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Taylor Swift can still make the whole place shimmer! The star has appeared to spark a glitter freckles trend after she sported the sparkly faux freckles makeup look at a recent Kansas City Chiefs game. The pop superstar attended the Chiefs game against the New Orleans Saints in support of her NFL star-turned-actor boyfriend Travis […]
The post Taylor Swift sparks glitter freckles trend after Chiefs game appearance appeared first on PinkNews | Latest lesbian, gay, bi and trans news | LGBTQ+ news.