Ultraconservative megachurch pastor John MacArthur believes that when a society “turns to sexual immorality, homosexual immorality, and a reprobate mind, God gives them up.”
“There’s a sense in which God takes His hand of blessing off that society. When He gives them up, it means he gives them up to the consequences of their choices. If you follow that pattern, what you get is Joe Biden, who is the epitome of all those things that I just talked about,” the Sun Valley, California Grace Community Church pastor recently said in an interview with the far-right website Breitbart.
Rev. Martin Luther King was “not a Christian at all,” claims old white hate pastor
He also thinks that Jesus was 100% pro-slavery and anti-equality.
MacArthur went on to condemn Biden’s advocacy for homosexuality and “all the transgender nonsense,” referring to the 81-year-old president’s tenure as a divine judgment on America.
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MacArthur cited this as justification for people to turn to his brand of far-right evangelical Christianity and complained about how people are supposedly not going to church enough.
MacArthur went on to say that Trump — who is commonly touted by right-wing conspiracy theorists as a savior sent from God to liberate America — is not the solution, but a “step in the right direction.”
“And, you know, I think if God allows that to happen, that Trump becomes president, you can say that the Lord has kind of put the brakes on a little bit, but the train is moving so fast down the direction of having been abandoned by God that unless there’s a huge spiritual turnaround, there’s no way to stop this,” he said, emphasizing that it falls to Christians to step it up.
The pastor has previously stated that Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. is “not Christian at all.” He has also said that LGBTQ+ people are a “blasphemy against God” and argued that there is no such thing as mental illness.