A collection of Christian hate preachers attending the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee, Wisconsin stopped by a Subway restaurant for lunch on Monday — they left hangry.
The four white men each wore a t-shirt spreading their particular take on Christian values, with messages that loudly read, “Abortion is murder,” “Homo sex is sin (Romans I),” “Repent” (with a “burn in hell” pic), and “Planned Parenthood murders children and rapes their mothers.”
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Grindr has allegedly been experiencing outages near where the Republican National Convention is located….
Subway staff refused to serve them.
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“She’s refusing to serve us,” says one man to another in a video that the group posted to Facebook.
“What are you talking about?” the second preacher asks incredulously. “So we have to go somewhere else?”
“I want her to say it again,” demands the man recording the video.
“I am refusing you service,” the employee confirms as she continues preparing another customer’s sandwich.
When asked why, she replies, “That is a personal matter,” before the peckish customer verifies the obvious.
“Because of my T-shirt?” he asks.
“Yes,” she answers.
‘OK, I’m sure Subway Corp. will love to hear that,’ the preacher growls — or was it his stomach?
The resolute young woman behind the counter then returned to her work.
Now, the far-right outrage machine has ginned up its latest left-bashing indignity, claiming the men are the victims of religious discrimination.
“Subway Karen Refuses Service to Christians in Wanaukee WI,” cried The Daily Mail, turning the “I wanna speak to your manager” trope inside-out like a pair of used food-prep gloves.
“Subway has been accused of religious discrimination against Christians,” the aforementioned British tabloid reported, accusing Subway of anti-Christian sentiment, “after an outlet in Wisconsin refused to serve customers because of the anti-abortion and anti-gay messages on their T-shirts.”
The story implied the men had a right to parade through Milwaukee wearing their hateful opinions, but blurred out the odious message on the anti-LGBTQ+ shirt.
Which vile t-shirt the Subway staffer found the most offensive is unknown.
The group of so-called Christians in town for the RNC was led by street preacher David Grisham, who has a history of performative ambushes caught on tape. He previously recorded himself disrupting a children’s story hour at a library to yell about “transgenders” and yelling at kids in a mall that Santa isn’t real.
The Texas-based hatemonger claimed his group “did not purposely try to antagonize anyone” with their spiteful slogans.
“REASONABLE people are reasonable when it comes to differences of opinion and are professional enough to just serve someone without letting their emotions go into elementary schoolyard mode and whine publicly,” said the actual Karen in the story.
For “actually reasonable” people who could slog through all the left-loathing and supportive replies Grisham earned for his post about the incident, there was a glimmer of Christian love amid the hate.
“I would rather have some radical love exhibited in Christ’s name around here in Waunakee than have a traveling road show of provocateurs come stumbling thru,” shared a Badger State local.