On September 12, former Black Voices for Trump director Harrison Floyd alleged that Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) called him the n-word in private.
Floyd was responding to Greene’s takedown of far-right activist Laura Loomer, who posted anti-Indian comments about Democratic presidential nominee Kamala Harris. Despite her own history of inflammatory rhetoric, Greene called Loomer’s comments “extremely racist” and said they do not represent MAGA Republicans or President Trump.
“[Marjorie Taylor Greene] has no room to call anyone a racist, or talk about what the MAGA community stands for when she refers me as a Ni**er in private,” Floyd wrote on X. “She has never publicly supported me, and tried to save her own skin. Our country many serious issues, yet anytime [MTG] is in the spotlight it’s always an issue of race / racism. We cant trust racist RINOS to do the right thing. We can do better.”
Marjorie Taylor Greene slammed by father of child killed in shooting after calling for “prayer”
“Shame on anyone that is praying today instead of reacting.”
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