Anti-trans extremist and far-right provocateur Matt Walsh used his podcast to defend racist remarks made at a rally for former President Donald Trump.
Last week, Trump held a rally at Madison Square Garden that featured comedian Tony Hinchcliffe. During the rally, Hinchcliffe made numerous racist jokes based on stereotypes, including one that referred to Puerto Rico as a “floating island of garbage” and one repeating offensive stereotypes about Black people and watermelons. Hinchcliffe also referred to Palestinians as “rock-throwers” and said that Jewish people don’t like to spend money.
Conservative pundit Matt Walsh compares gay people raising kids to cutting a kid’s arm off
“It’s far better for a child to be raised lacking one of his arms than to be raised lacking one of his parents.”
Walsh, in his podcast, said people offended by the jokes were “whiny little babies” adding, “If those jokes are offensive to you, then you’re just a whiny, pathetic, ridiculous, sad sack of a human being” whose “opinion doesn’t matter.”
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Walsh additionally referred to critics of the jokes as being a part of a “left-wing pitchfork mob,” and said, “These are the kinds of jokes that normal people tell,” stating that anyone who is offended is abnormal and should be ridiculed. He then said that, with these types of jokes, “everyone would think” that “that’s how I talk” and “that’s how my friends talk.” He invoked Trump to say that the former president’s wide appeal is because of people talking similarly.
Walsh then suggested that widespread discussion about the jokes in news coverage and social media was deliberately planned by the Trump campaign. He claimed that Hinchcliffe was invited as “bait” for people, and that he doesn’t think it “hurts” Trump at all.
Walsh is known for creating anti-trans documentaries and spreading hateful rhetoric online. He has advocated against no-fault divorce, and has compared raising gay children to human trafficking and cutting off arms. He has also been accused of defending people who rape children.
Additionally, Walsh has said that “two men shouldn’t be allowed to adopt,” has opposed any form of diversity in the Republican National Convention, and has stopped at nothing to attack trans people in every capacity.
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