Hateful flyers posted around the town of Billings, Montana falsely claimed local trans activist Adria Jawort is “grooming children,” according to local news outlet KTVQ.
The flyers, which rely on the fabrication from the anti-trans right that all trans people are pedophiles, were posted around schools near Jawort’s neighborhood just a few days before Thanksgiving.
This trans activist got canceled but she’s not going to let “meme-brained fascists” stop her
A library canceled Adria Jawort’s history lecture because she’s trans. She’ll never stop fighting back.
Jawort had to go across town and take them down amid heavy snow.
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“I was annoyed about it,” she said to KTVQ, detailing how the flyers also misgendered her and made hateful claims about her life and sexuality. “I was just thinking, why am I doing this? Why do I have to do this? Why do people think this is okay?”
“The thing that the flyer said, calling me a groomer and stuff, and basically I’m a danger to the community,” Jawort said. “It’s like one of the most awful things you can say. How does that become normalized?”
Billings police are currently investigating the incident. Lt. Matthew Lennick spoke about what constitutes hate speech: “Once someone transitions from making a general statement about their beliefs or another group to a targeted attack on an individual… A victim could take civil action against someone attempting to defame them.”
Potential criminal charges can include disorderly conduct, stalking, intimidation or harassment, among others.
While Jawort knows the group responsible, she says she’s more frustrated with attacks on state Rep. Zooey Zephyr (D-MT), as Republicans recently tried (unsuccessfully) to ban her from women’s bathrooms.
And Jawort has been targeted before. A lecture she was set to give at a library was canceled last year after a drag ban, with staff saying that it’s “too much of a legal risk to have a transgendered person in the library.” This ban led her to sue the state.
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